I love erotic massage

Do you know how pleasant an erotic massage is? I didn`t believe it until my partner made it for me. And she was absolutely flawless. Do you want to revive your relationship because routine has crept into it and you no longer feel good? This article is exactly for you, so read carefully. When my boyfriend touches me, excitement definitely goes through my body. But I had no idea that my friend could also give an amazing erotic massage, which of course he did for me right away and I was very, very satisfied. Believe it or not, a boyfriend can give the best and most exciting erotic massages in the world. And now I`ll tell you how it made our relationship more diverse…


To be honest, we didn`t have sex that often and it wasn`t very long either. It was about ten minutes and I liked it with my friend, but you know Women. Women would like a little longer sex. And so, it went for some time. And once a friend jokingly asked if I wanted him to give me an erotic massage. I was a bit surprised, but I agreed because I really thought he was just joking. But he wasn`t kidding and started to give me a wonderful erotic massage. And I was suddenly surprised by how much it turned me on. I haven`t felt such beauty in a long time. I felt like I was in heaven and I wondered if it was all just seeming to me.. Then we started kissing, touching each other and it started. I was in the seventh heaven.


And it was a wonderful fusion of two souls. We had never had sex like this before and I was in my element. And it immediately dawned on me that the erotic massage had shifted our lives to something better and I was terribly happy. This really filled me with feelings of happiness, and I thought that suddenly everything was completely different, more beautiful and wonderful. We started to communicate more in our relationship and suddenly our relationship was a few levels higher.